Advanced Certified Environmental, LLC (ACE) is an environmental consulting firm with more than 40 years of experience in sampling and certified State/USEPA analysis of multiple medias such as water, soil, and various building construction materials, for homeowners or potential buyers, businesses, realty properties and governmental entities.
The firm specializes in Spill Prevention Control and Countermeasure Control (SPCC) plans and updates/or addendums to comply with current 40 CFR Part 112 regulations.
Its founder, Anthony (Tony) Malatino, is a Certified Hazardous Materials Supervisor (CHMS) and Certified Environmental Inspector (CEI). He worked with the State of Alabama as a Division Chief of the Geochemical Water Resources Division, located in Tuscaloosa Alabama for 16 years. He served as a liaison to the Alabama State Oil & Gas Board. He also served as a forensic chemist for the Mobile District Attorney’s office on a major murder trial within Mobile and Baldwin counties of South Alabama.
In Florida, Mr. Malatino was Vice President for the P.E. LaMoreaux and Associates, Inc. Lakeland, Florida office, specializing in water and soil sampling and Certified analyses as part of its laboratory and hydrogeological division, working primarily for the phosphate and Central Florida businesses. Mr. Malatino also headed a Central Florida Petroleum laboratory (International Environmental Services, Inc.) for International Petroleum Corporation in Plant City, where forty-two million gallons of used oil are recycled per year.
Mr. Malatino was Chemist for the water treatment company of Mitco Water, where he treated HVAC (Air Conditioning Water Tower -Equipment) waters for Disney World and Universal Studios of Orlando, Fl.
Mr. Malatino specializes in sampling and testing of Mold (Air and Swabs), Asbestos and Lead painted suspected building materials. We work on projects throughout the entire State of Florida.